Simple and easy Remittance

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Importer Gets An Alert
Confirm Customer Payment
Importer Initiates Payment
Money Remitted

Our vision reflects in our customer promise and here’s why our solutions stands out when you receive export payments into India through us:

No hidden fee. Ever!
Our service is complete seamless and allow upload or edit of documents, check the transaction details and edit, book the rate or keep it open, share the invoice with customer, confirm the payment and receive the SWIFT. Moreover, even the sign-up and on boarding process on Tranzily is digital and user-friendly so that you can get started in a matter of a few minutes.
Your business is already super competitive with a constant battle against thin margins. We want to make sure that our service too offers a really competitive proposition to make your life easier. We can safely assure you that the price that either you or your sender pay while making a transfer on Tranzily, is 60-80% cheaper than alternatives like bank transfers and other larger FinTechs. Check out our savings and comparison calculators on receiving export payments here
Your customers are global citizen, hence our service is global too making it easy for you to send money abroad for multiple purposes and currencies. With our Bank partnership, you are directly dealing with a Bank avoiding intermediaries. Having said that, while our service is global, our pulse is with our partners and service is tailor- made for Indian users.
We work with the best of bank, payments & technology partners to offer you the service. Our service is also compliant with the relevant Reserve Bank of India's regulations and our platform has been validated by having major banks and financial players as our customers. Which means you can completely rely on us to make sure your money reaches safely each and every time.
We have direct linkages across the world which means we don't have multiple hops and intermediaries that your money needs to travel across. While this makes the service very cost efficient, it also means that you can have your money delivered in as soon as 24 business hours. And this only helps manage your customer better and expand your business.